Estudio socioeconómico a productores de chocho (Lupinus mutabilis), en las comunidades de la parroquia Palmira, cantón Guamote, provincia Chimborazo.
2019Registro en:
Curicama Muñoz, E. P. (2019). Estudio socioeconómico a productores de chocho (Lupinus mutabilis), en las comunidades de la parroquia Palmira, cantón Guamote, provincia Chimborazo. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero Agrónomo). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Curicama Muñoz, Elsy Pilar
The present research the applicant proposed: to carry out a socio-economic study of corn producers (Lupinus mutabilis) in San Francisco of Bishud, Yaguachi Galte, Dávalos Palmira and San Miguel de Pomachaca communities belonging to the Palmira Parish. This study typified the farmers dedicated to the production of this product and after that integrated management strategies were formulated for it. To do this, the survey was used as the main tool for collecting information on both the corn and the families engaged in its production, while the observation of the researcher was also important to complement the data collected with the surveys. The information obtained was systematized in the Excel program and analyzed by graphs, tables, calculation of means and percentages, which gave us information about the family, housing conditions, health, education, safety, membership of an organization, gender, inputs, access to credit and financing, source of income, family assets, economic activity, consumption expenditures, good agricultural practices, important aspects of corn pests. The most relevant was that 48% of the producers belonged to an organization. They had an average 2 ha of areas planted with corn, as well as spending was around $808 and therefore production was 23 qq compared to non-associated. With the above data, strategies of integrated management of the corn were designed applicable in the regulatory area for a better management crop.