Artículos de revistas
Evaluación de la actividad cicatrizante de hierba mosquera (Cronton elegans Kunth) en ratones (Mus musculus).
Toaquiza Aguagallo, Cecilia
Tigse Moposita, Cristina
Escudero Vilema, Elizabeth
Miranda Barros, Aída
Guangasig Toapanta, Víctor
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the cicatrizant activity of hierba mosquera extract (Croton elegans Kunth) in mice (Mus musculus). With the concentrated ethanolic extract, spectrophotometric quantifications performed for total f lavonoids expressed as a percentage of rutin and phenolic compounds by means of the Folin-Ciocalteau micromethod, and colorimetric determination of tannin expressed as tannic acid. In the evaluation of healing activity, 18 albino mice (Mus musculus) weighing 35 to 40g, two months old, 12 males and 6 females from the faculty of sciences (ESPOCH). Divided into 6 experimental groups were used, 3 for each treatment: ethanolic extract of hierba mosquera in concentrations of 20%, 40% and 80%, the negative control were mice with wounds without treatment, and for positive controls, eterol and prednisolone acetate base cream were applied with neomycin sulfate. The length of the wound and the histopathological examination of the skin cut at the site of injury measured. The total content of f lavonoids was 80ug, total phenol content 2.07ug and the concentration of tannic compounds 24.36ug. The Tukey test with significance level 0.05% revealed that the 80% ethanolic extract was more effective. The 80% ethanolic extract of hierba mosquera exposes total tissue reconstitution in less time, demonstrating cicatrizant activity.