Influencia de los parámetros del proceso de soldadura fricción agitación (FSW) en la microestructura y propiedades mecánicas de placas de aleación de aluminio 6061 y 1100.
2020-01-30Registro en:
Rea Chela, Paola Daniela; Vásconez Mayorga, Karen Stephanie. (2020). Influencia de los parámetros del proceso de soldadura fricción agitación (FSW) en la microestructura y propiedades mecánicas de placas de aleación de aluminio 6061 y 1100. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Rea Chela, Paola Daniela
Vásconez Mayorga, Karen Stephanie
The aim of this research is to analyse both, the mechanical properties and the microstuctures of aluminium alloy 6061 and 1100 plaques welded by the Friction-Stirring method FSW (Friction Stir Welding). Several experiments were carried out until we found the parameters that gave us a good bead of Weld. The FSW welding process was carried out using a CNC (Computerised Numerical Control) milling machine which a cylindrical geometry tool was adapted to achieve the welding of 3 mm thick aluminium plaques with a top type joint and full penetration. A clamping system was used to prevent transverse and longitudinal displacement of the plaques. The different parameters were: rotation speed and advance speed, and the samples were visually analyzed and then tested for: traction, hardness, bending and a macro and microstructural analysis. It was determined that the mechanical properties such as maximum hardness and tensile strength obtained were greater than those of the base metal, in the case of the two types of aluminium in the welded joints, the product of a grain refinement and transformation of course into fine precipitates that occurs during this process. The present research concludes that using the FSW process, welds are obtained free of discontinuities, as long as a good combination of parameters is found. It is recommended in the FSW study to control the temperature variable using a suitable instrument so that the entire Weld bead obtains the same mechanicals properties.