Proyecto de exportación de cuero curtido (WET BLUE) hacia el mercado de Shanghái-China por la empresa Curtiembre Aldas, cantón Ambato, provincia de Tungurahua.
2017-11-17Registro en:
Fiallos Fiallos, Liliana Lizbeth. (2017). Proyecto de exportación de cuero curtido (WET BLUE) hacia el mercado de Shanghái-China por la empresa Curtiembre Aldas, cantón Ambato, provincia de Tungurahua. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Fiallos Fiallos, Liliana Lizbeth
The present investigation aims to design a project of finished leather exportation (Wet blue) toward the market of Shanghai-China by Curtiembre Aldas Company in Canton Ambato, Tungurahua Province, in order to determine its viability. A situational analysis of the company and its productive capacity was done by using research tools such as the interview with the general manager of the Company, and the analysis of supply and demand. The percentage of production that will go to the target market and the apparent domestic consumption was determined. In addition, it was concluded that the company already has covered almost 100% of the national market for which sales begin to stagnate the producing surplus product and the fall in prices due to the excess supply has become potential customers into regular customers. So it is recommended the implementation of the export project presented as it will improve the performance and it this way it will be a dynamic growth of the profitability of the company, as well as the capacity to respond to requests by customers, by improving the image of Curtiembre Aldas Company products in international markets.