Evaluación de los marcadores tumorales antígeno carcinoembrionario y alfa fetoproteína por el método Elisa en los trabajadores de las gasolineras de la ciudad de Ambato
2020-02-26Registro en:
Shagñay Cando, Katherine Jhoanna. (2020). Evaluación de los marcadores tumorales antígeno carcinoembrionario y alfa fetoproteína por el método Elisa en los trabajadores de las gasolineras de la ciudad de Ambato. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Shagñay Cando, Katherine Jhoanna
The objective of this research work was to determine the presence of tumour markers Carcinoembrionary antigen and Alpha-fetoprotein by the Elisa method in the workers of the gas stations in the city of Ambato. The study was conducted on a sample of 90 people divided into 82 workers including fuel dispatchers and administrative staff and 10% (8 people) who do not work in direct contact with hydrocarbons (Security guards, cleaning staff, and personal sales of the Minimarkets), to whom the venipuncture was performed to obtain serum. The samples were processed in the Clinical Analysis Laboratory of the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo; For the quantification of tumour markers, the sandwich and competitive ELISA immunoenzymatic assay was used. The statistical analysis of the surveys and the results of the samples were tabulated in the Excel spreadsheet and the F (Fisher) test was used to compare the results of the independent populations to determine if the variances were equal or unequal and the student model t was applied by two populations assuming equal variances. Surveys showed that patients maintain an active but unhealthy life, by leading to poor nutrition, based mainly on carbohydrate intake. 9% of the population (7 people), has high values for the carcinoembrionary antigen and 5% (4 people) for the alpha-fetoprotein. When comparing the values obtained from the populations (exposed and unexposed) for tumour markers, a statistically significant difference was not obtained, because the pathological alterations are presented according to the time and the number of hydrocarbons at which They are exposed, the population was also trained through a talk where information was provided on adequate food, physical activity, protective measures, actions that together serve to improve the state of health. It is recommended as a priority to carry out regular medical checks, due to occupational exposure to benzene, toluene, and xylene, which are fundamental components of gasoline and cause of neoplastic diseases, it is better and easier to treat the disease in its stages initials.