Elaboración del plan de capacitación para el fortalecimiento organizativo de la Corporación para el Desarrollo del Turismo Comunitario de Chimborazo (CORDTUCH).
2021-05-28Registro en:
Gómez Álvarez, Tania Alexandra. (2021). Elaboración del plan de capacitación para el fortalecimiento organizativo de la Corporación para el Desarrollo del Turismo Comunitario de Chimborazo (CORDTUCH). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Gómez Álvarez, Tania Alexandra
The objective of the present technical work was to create the training plan for the organizational strengthening Corporation and the development Community Tourism of Chimborazo (CORDTUCH); for which the training needs of the Corporation were first diagnosed, subsequently the training plan with 7 programs was developed and the third point was structured the ex-post evaluation item. In adittion, in the diagnosis of training needs (DNC), methods and techniques such as bibliographic review, surveys, online interviews, and indicators were used, in order to identify the areas that the corporation requires such intervention. Furthermore, in the training plan, the analytical and descriptive methods were applied to define the philosophical framework, while for the modules and strategies of the academic training programs, the dialectical method was used to critically determine the content and methodologies of learning that are possible. But, for the ex-post evaluation items, qualitative and quantitative indicators were developed, which will allow knowing the impact of the training plan on the work performance of participants. Whereby 28 training needs were identified which will be strengthened through the 7 programs development, which have been planned in 480 hours distributions between face-to-face modality (field outputs) and virtual mode (synchronous, a-synchronous modality, and autonomous work), due to the situation of the pandemic by Covid-19, in the case of the evaluation system, 76 indicators were elaborated and synthesized in ex-post evaluation tabs. In sum, 28 training needs correspond to the areas of administration, biosecurity, accounting, marketing, legislation, and tourism operation of the CORDTUCH, it is also recommended to implement the training plan to improve the work performance of its officials and employees.