Estudio antropológico de las técnicas culinarias ancestrales en la comunidad Tsa´Chila Naranjos, 2014
2015-01-23Registro en:
Yánez Castro, Noemi Elizabeth. (2015). Estudio antropológico de las técnicas culinarias ancestrales en la comunidad Tsa´Chila Naranjos, 2014. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Yánez Castro, Noemi Elizabeth
The objective of this research was based on the anthropological study of the ancestral culinary techniques in the Tsa´chila “Naranjos” community, it is a descriptive study, whit a population of 45 native people. The measured variables were: ancestral gastronomic techniques, used techniques analysis, and culinary quide. The Tsa´chila diet is based of fishing, hunting an agricultural production wich includes products such as green plantain, guanta meat, guatuso, armadillo, partridge, deer, wild turkey, guaña, tilapia, bocachico, mayones, chonta, yucca, and sugar cane used prepare traditional dishes as lu´kupi, anoíla, uru, mala, piyu-bilu and malum. From the results, it was determined that the main ancestral culinary technique is smoked meath since all meat is prepared with this process as a way of preservation, another technique is boiled cooking wich is used to prepare some dishes as lu´kupi; the roasted technique as for the ayampaco and mayones is aslo used. Keeping Ecuatorian traditions alive is not only the government responsibility but also a community commitment, because if there in more people interested on this type of cultures, their customs and tradition will remain for a long time.