Preparación de Chorizo Ahumado con Pulpa de Pangora como Producto Alternativo para la Gastronomía Ecuatoriana. 2010
2011Registration in:
Vinueza Cisneros, Mayra Lorena. (2011). Preparación de Chorizo Ahumado con Pulpa de Pangora como Producto Alternativo para la Gastronomía Ecuatoriana. 2010. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Vinueza Cisneros, Mayra Lorena
Experimental research is a completely randomized design in the preparation of smoked chorizo pangora pulp, using as raw material, pork and lard, beef and pulp pangora in the formula of smoked sausage, with five treatments 0, 20, 40, 60, 80% of the pulp pangora and three replications of each treatment, data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel. The results of laboratory chemical characteristics, treatment a 21.55% protein, fat 21.91%, 55.85% moisture, ash 3.91%, 21.65% protein treatment two, 19.85% fat, moisture 53.89%, ash 4.13%, 20.01% protein treatment three, fat 22.18%, 53.41% moisture, ash 4.36%, protein 20.03% treatment four, fat 21.44%, Moisture 53.48%. Ash 4.39%, 20.41% protein treatment, five, fat 21.35%, 53.10% moisture, ash 4.70%. Microbiological characteristics, treatment a 14.33% total coliforms, fecal coliforms 3.67% 433.33% aerobic mesophiles, total coliforms treatment two 28.00%, 3.67% fecal coliforms, aerobic mesophiles 383.33% treatment three 96.67% total coliforms, fecal coliforms 0.67% 146.67% aerobic mesophiles, total coliforms treatment four 146.67% 0.67% fecal coliforms aerobic mesophiles 26.67%, 130 treatment, five total coliform, 00%, 3.00% fecal coliforms, aerobic mesophiles 40.00%. Organoleptic characteristics, treatment one color, smell, taste and consistency 79.67% 76.83% treatment two, three treatment 68.92% 74.25% treatment four, five treatment 70.67%. We recommend using the product as an alternative dining maintaining food safety standards.