Evaluación del uso racional de antiinflamatorios no esteroideos en el área de emergencia del Hospital General Puyo
2021-08-27Registro en:
Real Orozco, Alisson Vanessa. (2021). Evaluación del uso racional de antiinflamatorios no esteroideos en el área de emergencia del Hospital General Puyo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Real Orozco, Alisson Vanessa
The research project aimed to evaluate the Rational Use of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the Emergency area of the Hospital General Puyo, in the city of Puyo, Pastaza province, during the period January-June of 2020. The investigation was carried through a non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional, and retrospective study that was carried out by collecting data from those patients in the admissions area of the hospital through the review of the 008 Emergency form of the Ministry of Public Health (MPH). Through the hospital's Varanus system, which served as a consultation computing tool, in such a way that after delimiting the study population by its means of the application of the probability sampling formula. A sample of 69 patients was obtained that were randomly chosen from a list provided in the admissions obtaining sheets of data collection with your information, registering aspects such as age, weight, clinical history, diagnosis, indicated treatment, allergies, comorbidities, and polymedication. The most indicated NSAID was Ketorolac with 32.99%, in addition, it was determined that 75.36% of the prescriptions were adequate and 24.64% were inadequate. Drug-Related Problems (PRMs) were found in the population; 30.43% presented at least two, the most frequent were: Interactions 46.24%, Probability of effects adverse reactions and errors in the prescription with 17, 20%. The next guide was elaborated “Guía de Uso Racional de AINEs en el área de Emergencias” document that contains guidelines on its correct use. With the results previously exposed, it was determined that in the analyzed population there was possible irrational use of these drugs, so it is suggested to avoid the concomitant and unnecessary use of two or more NSAIDs.