Aporte nutritivo del bagazo de caña enriquecido como suplemento en la alimentación de ganado lechero.
2022-03-07Registro en:
Serrano Becerra, Ronald Alexis. (2022). Aporte nutritivo del bagazo de caña enriquecido como suplemento en la alimentación de ganado lechero. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Serrano Becerra, Ronald Alexis
The main objective of this bibliographical research was to analyze the scientific information in reference to enriched cane bagasse as a food alternative for dairy cattle, the main sources where the data for this research was collected was through Web Sites (internet), indexed magazines Scielo, Scopus, among others, also digital repositories of Ecuador such as: DSpace, UTE, degree works and scientific articles, in turn the results, conclusions, discussions, and in necessary cases all the content were reviewed. According to the analyzes that were obtained in relation to the nutritional contribution of the enriched cane bagasse, the bovines, when consuming this supplement, increased their weight variables, they could even convert 1.51 kg of DM for each Kg of milk, to their Once the level of production rose an average of 14kg of milk in the total production for each farm, in the same way the profitability rose by 4% more than the current normality, with the results it was determined that the proposed hypothesis complies, since that there was a variation in the parameters such as feed consumption, feed conversion, among others, and thus denoted significant figures, promoting it to be an outstanding feed in the supplementation of dairy cattle, with a higher daily economic income in each farm. In this way, it was concluded that the supplementation of enriched cane bagasse to the diet of cattle, turned out to be effective in times of drought when it is desired to improve production in a period of food shortage for animals and that is why it is also recommended. implement this supplement to provide better nutrition at early ages where nutritional improvements are needed for their development.