Actualización del manual de funciones y clasificación de puestos del GAD Municipal Baños de Agua Santa, provincia de Tungurahua, cantón Baños de Agua Santa periodo 2016
2016-05-16Registro en:
Caza Darquea, Alexander Gabriel. (2016). Actualización del manual de funciones y clasificación de puestos del GAD Municipal Baños de Agua Santa, provincia de Tungurahua, cantón Baños de Agua Santa periodo 2016. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Caza Darquea, Alexander Gabriel
The current research work aims to Update the Manual of Duties and Job Positioning of the Municipal DAG of Baños dc Agua Santa, Tungurahua, province, Baños de Agua Cantón period 2016, to state essential duties the employees of DAGBAS perform in order to prevent duties duplicity and so achieving the correct functioning of each work position. DAGBAS is under regulation of LOSEP for the employees and regulations emitted by tha AME, this way the necessary requirements for the preparation of the manual of duties are accomplished. Through direct observation, it is proved that the stated duties in the work contract, the manual of duties and the application of checklists helped to prove the duties with its corresponding classification. The updating of the Manual of Duties and classification of positions at DAGBAS, structural organization chart of DAGBAS, administrative structure, department levels and the manual of duties and Job positioning , in the present chapter demonstrates the updating carried out in the research with the 65 positions. By having the updated manual of duties at DAGBAS, the current tool can be used at the municipality since it accomplishes the parameters stated by the SENRES, each stated function is validated reaching the mission of the position in order to satisfy the work needs, so that the professional entering to the municipality will help to accomplish the objectives of the municipality.