Investigación del patrimonio turístico-gastronómico del cantón Esmeraldas, provincia de Esmeraldas, 2013
2014-07-17Registro en:
Valverde Castillo, Frank Isaac. (2014). Investigación del patrimonio turístico-gastronómico del cantón Esmeraldas, provincia de Esmeraldas, 2013. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Valverde Castillo, Frank Isaac
The objective of this research was to understand and promote the tourist-gastronomic heritage Esmeraldas canton. By descriptive design 37 surveys were administered to the home of the old residents Bishara and Olga married couple in order to find and rescue the typical food preparations of the Esmeraldas canton. Of the inquiry carried out shows that the Encocao, Tapao and Pusandao are the main entrees, the Pusandao a traditional dish that over the time has been forgotten its preparation, this research has been able to rescue patrimonial recipes that new generations should not forget because it is part of their ancestral wealth; typical desserts are based on maize and coconut like casabe porridge and cocada; representative beverages are coconut juice, masato, and champú. This gastronomic rescue it is combined with the variety of natural attractions in the canton, it is recommended to the authorities of the town spread the tourist guide will benefit companies that receive tourists and thus can satisfy the unmet demand for services.