Propuesta de diseño de un modelo de gestión comercial para el Proyecto Cabañas Ecoturísticas Curiquingue, sector Ayanquil, parroquia El Altar, cantón Penipe, provincia de Chimborazo en el período 2012 – 2013
2013Registro en:
Hidalgo Gavidia, Nataly Soledad & Méndez Ortiz, Mirian Paola. (203). Propuesta de diseño de un modelo de gestión comercial para el Proyecto Cabañas Ecoturísticas Curiquingue, sector Ayanquil, parroquia El Altar, cantón Penipe, provincia de Chimborazo en el período 2012 – 2013. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Hidalgo Gavidia, Nataly Soledad
The present work proposes the design of a Commercial Management Model for the project of Curiquingue's Ecotourism Huts in Ayanquil, El Altar town, Penipe canton, period 2012-2013, to complete the enterprise participation in the urban market in Riobamba and giving as result in the sale of tourist packages and the flow of visitors. Previous to the proposal an analysis sector tourism industry, internal and external analysis of the company, FODA analysis was conducted as well as a successful market segmentation which was taken as a reference to the economically active population in Riobamba to which the surveys were conducted and served to make the marketing research and know preferences, tastes and factors that influenced the decision of consumers buying, those data were useful to elaborate strategies and tourism packages. To develop the company trade capacity, a restructuring in administrative area is proposed, designing a new structural and functional organization, as well as marketing strategies, distribution, promotion and advertisement. With the application of the proposed strategies, the company will be unveiled, and may be developed in the tourist environment, positioning itself every day, beating the competition and achieving establish itself as a tourist destination in the Sierra del Ecuador, providing tourism offer quality in a preserved environment.