Proyecto para la creación de una línea de producción de equipos y maquinaria en acero inoxidable para la Empresa DINZA de la ciudad de Riobamba
2020-06-11Registro en:
Jácome Vaca, Katherine Estefanía. (2020). Proyecto para la creación de una línea de producción de equipos y maquinaria en acero inoxidable para la Empresa DINZA de la ciudad de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Jácome Vaca, Katherine Estefanía
The project to create a stainless steel equipment and machinery production line for the Dinza Company in Riobamba city pretends to contribute to maximize profits and reduce costs in the business line. For the research, a mixed research approach was used, with a type of cross-sectional study, interviews were conducted with 148 dairy producing companies located in the province of Chimborazo, to know the unsatisfied demand, competition, attributes of the products and types of payment. Also, the manager was interviewed to find out the current situation of the compañy. It was evidenced that there is an excessive waste of money on activities related to the rental of stainless steel machinery. Then a technical study was carried out, obtaining the need of machinery, raw material and labor, transformation processes and distribution of the plant. In addition, the financial study was performed, obtaining the following results: the IRR of 175.33%, the NPV is set at $ 53,783.00, the Balance Point of 42.23%. It was concluded that the project is feasible according to the financial and economic statements. It also generates a source of an annual income not only for the metalworking industry but also for the dairy sector in the province of Chimborazo. The management and aplication of this project is recommended for the development and growth of the Dinza company.