Elaboración y aceptabilidad de mermeladas a base de stevia Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni como edulcorante
2015-05-11Registro en:
Bejarano Martínez, Vanessa Elizabeth. (2015). Elaboración y aceptabilidad de mermeladas a base de stevia Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni como edulcorante. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Bejarano Martínez, Vanessa Elizabeth
This research aimed to develop stevia based jams as natural sweetener for consumers looking for alternative natural products. Jams based on stevia were developed with three fruits (taxo, guayaba and peach) best techniques were used to make jams those which were: weigh the ingredients, cook the fruit until it reaches a boil, and then place the ingredients weighed before the weighed ingredients we let boil until the temperature get to 860C then packed and stored at room temperature for a day to its cooling. The type of research is Exploratory and its design is descriptive. Acceptability tests were performed by 30 students from the School of Gastronomy – ESPOCH of whom 40% of them indicated that they liked the flavor, 56% liked the smell them, 60% caught their attention the color and the 37% texture taxo jam. With this study, were obtained; jams with stevia as a natural sweetener this also contributes a new alternative natural conserves for everyday use. It is suggested to keep refrigerated after use.