Propuesta de un plan de seguridad vial para el cantón Alausí, provincia de Chimborazo, período 2021-2025
2021-09-13Registro en:
Cevallos Mendoza, Karina Margarita. (2021). Propuesta de un plan de seguridad vial para el cantón Alausí, provincia de Chimborazo, período 2021-2025. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Cevallos Mendoza, Karina Margarita
This degree work is the proposal of a road safety plan for the canton of Alausí, Chimborazo province, period 2021-2025, based on preventive measures such as training, awareness campaigns for drivers and pedestrians of all parishes, to reduce accident rates in the canton. The research emphasizes three important factors: human factors, road infrastructure, vehicles, and the pillars of action for road safety, which are PILLAR 1 Road Safety Management - Institutionalism, PILLAR 2 Traffic routes and safer mobility, PILLAR 3 Safer vehicles, PILLAR 4 Safer Road users, PILLAR 5 Response after accidents, to protect people’s lives. Through surveys of drivers and pedestrians, we verified the major traffic accidents that occur on the canton’s roads, whether the signage is adequate in each parish and whether they have knowledge about road safety. As a result, we found that most of the accidents result from bad drivers’ practices, there is not enough road signage in the parishes, and, the road culture of the inhabitants is poor, since most of them know about road safety but do not put it into practice in their daily lives. For these reasons, we recommend it to implement this road safety plan, and the initiatives proposed to get safe roads, users, and vehicles with the coordination of the Directorate of Mobility, Transit and Land Transportation of Alausi, National Police.