Implementación de un sistema de control y monitoreo para el análisis de variables físicas y generación de reportes utilizando diadem.
2018-05-31Registro en:
Machado Villacrés, Alex Santiago; Romero Guanoluisa, Jairo Valmore. (2018). Implementación de un sistema de control y monitoreo para el análisis de variables físicas y generación de reportes utilizando diadem. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Machado Villacrés, Alex Santiago
Romero Guanoluisa, Jairo Valmore
The implementation of a monitoring and a control system was carried out in order to analyze the physic variables and the generation of reports in the EPC module with the use of DIAdem software from the National Instrument. For the development of this system, it was necessary to use NI myRIO 1900 electronic device, which is in charge of getting data generated in the plant simulation module. EPC is an electronic plate including both, sensors and actuators that are typical in instrumentation and control systems, such as temperature, speed, position, analogue and digital DC signals. It was necessary to program these devices to generate signals which will be visualized as data through the report generation system programming with the use of LabVIEW software where the data obtained from the EPC, myRIO 1900 data acquisition card, and the computer were linked together to obtain excel-file reports that will be used for the analysis and elaboration of final reports with DIAdem software. Some operation tests of the report generation system were carried out obtaining data from different variables such as: speed, temperature, acceleration in the XYZ planes and voltage for the right generation of reports in Excel and DIAdem. The implementation of this report generation system will be used for learning control and instrumentation concepts and at the same time, it will be used for getting repots to study the data obtained from machines as elements intervening in the analysis of future applications of this report generation system. It is recommended to implement the system in future graduation projects to ease the analysis and interpretation of reports in any kind of equipment.