Determinar estrategias de marketing deportivo que contribuyan al fortalecimiento de la marca del Club Deportivo Especializado Formativo Independiente San Pedro de Alausí, del cantón Alausí, provincia de Chimborazo
2019-03-11Registro en:
Torres Crespo, Jhonatan Israel. (2019). Determinar estrategias de marketing deportivo que contribuyan al fortalecimiento de la marca del Club Deportivo Especializado Formativo Independiente San Pedro de Alausí, del cantón Alausí, provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Torres Crespo, Jhonatan Israel
The objective of this degree work is to determine sports marketing strategies that contribute : o the strengthening of the brand of the índependent Specialized Sports Club San Pedro de Alausí, of the Alausí cantón, Chimborazo province. Taking into consideration the trajectory o f the team, optíons were sought of strategies adapted to the situation of the club and the environment in which it carries out its activities. The research methodology employed ncludes a market study, 362 surveys and interviews were conducted with the urban area, of a total of 6350 inhabitants of the Alausí cantón, in which the information obtained was tabulated and analyzed with the SPSS software where it was identified that the 68.23% of me respondents if they know the trajectory of the Independent Club San Pedro de Alausí and 72.65% identify the club with their current logo. The proposal contains marketing strategies and tactics aimed at the population of Alausí, who despite knowing the activities and trajectory of the Club has not yet been fully positioned in the minds of the followers, making it difficult to recruit new partners and attracting sponsors commítted to the growth of the club. It is recommended to organize spaces for dialogue to collect the impressions of the leadership together with representativos of the fans to obtain opinions on the progress and possible difficulties that the club has to face in the management of its image and corporate reputation.