Evaluación de balanceados comerciales más la adición de pigmentante natural en la alimentación de pollos broilers en el cantón Morona
2018-03-09Registro en:
Motoche Velín, Miguel Ángel. (2018). Evaluación de balanceados comerciales más la adición de pigmentante natural en la alimentación de pollos broilers en el cantón Morona. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Macas.
Motoche Velín, Miguel Ángel
In the province of Morona Santiago, Morona canton, San Isidro parish, in the Pichorito poultry farm, the response of three types of comercial balanced (1= Pal, 2= Pichorito, 3= Pronaca) plus the addition of natural pigment in feeding 180 broiler chickens from the Coob 500 line, where every 10 chickens represented an experimental unit, under a completely random desing, six treatments and three repetitions. In the initial stage, the variables studied showed singnificant differences in live weight, weight gain, food consumption and feed conversion, inclining to the best results with commercial balance 3, in the growth stage, the variables studied showed significant differences in live weight. The best performance with the comercial balance 3, in weight gain and food consumption the best results were obtained with the balanced 2 and 3. In the final stage the variables studied showed significant differences in live weight, weight gain and feed conversion in where the best results are obtained with the balanced 3. IN the total stage the variables studied that registered significant differences in gain but with a value of 2969.95 feed conversion: 1.71, weight to the cannel: 2126.67, being the best results with the balanced 3 without the addition of natural pigment (Daucus carota), in the variables of measurement of the skin color in the birds applied the pigment (Daucus carota) and without the application of (Daucus carota). I present a pigmentation of 5 points; in the performance parameter to the cannel, a value of 70.92% and 70.70 was obtained, the best results being with the comercial balance 3 with and without the addition of the natural pigment (Daucus carota). Regarding the benefit / cost variable, the highest profitability is obtained with the commercial balance 3 with $ 1.25, which means that for every dollar invested there is a profitability of 25 cents.