Evaluación de la calidad fisicoquímica y microbiológica del agua de consumo humano de la Junta Administradora de Agua Potable san José de Puñachizag, cantón Quero, provincia Tungurahua.
2018-01Registro en:
Tibanquiza Núñez, Sofía Salome. (2018). Evaluación de la calidad fisicoquímica y microbiológica del agua de consumo humano de la Junta Administradora de Agua Potable san José de Puñachizag, cantón Quero, provincia Tungurahua. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Tibanquiza Núñez, Sofía Salome
This research had has objetive to assess the physical-chemical and microbiological quality of drinking wáter of the San José de Puñachizag Management Board, Quero Cantón, Tungurahua Province, before and after treatment of wáter purification, this allowed to determine if the wáter is fit or unfit for human consumption. 78 water samples in total were analysed, from strategic sampling points; six wáter springs, two holding tanks, houses located in upper middle and lower zone, the process was done in triplicate. Physical analyses were carried out: pH, temperature, color, conductivity, total solids disolved (TSD), turbidity; chemical analysis: nitrites, nitrates, fluorine, phosphates, ammonium, hardness and chlorides; finally microbiological analysis by the most pobable number method (MPN). The procedures were established under NTE INEN 1108:2014 regulation. Drinking Water. Requirements and the NTE INEN 1105:1983 water regulation. Sampling for microbiological analysis. The obtained results shown that most of the chemical parameters meet all the requirements except in the fluorine; with respect to the physical parameters pH, turbidity and color do not comply with the requirements established by the corresponding regulations, complying only with the quality of temperature, STD and conductivity. In the microbiological analysis 74% of the analyzed samples fail to comply with the established for fecal and total coliforms by the MPN method. Given the physical, chimical and microbiological results, it has been concluded that the wáter of the community of San José de Puñachizag is not suitable for human consumption, because they do not fully meet the physicalchemical and microbiological requirements.It is advisable to verify that the disinfection treatment will be carried out by means of chlorine in suitable doses and to use an activated carbón filter.