Propuesta para el fortalecimiento de las Unidades de Producción de las familias vinculadas a la Parroquia Quimiag.
2020-03-03Registro en:
Arévalo Lara, Mónica Rosario. (2020). Propuesta para el fortalecimiento de las Unidades de Producción de las familias vinculadas a la Parroquia Quimiag. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Arévalo Lara, Mónica Rosario
The study was developed with 68 families distributed in 24 communities of the Quimiag parish, Riobamba canton, Chimborazo province, with the aim of generating a proposal for the improvement of the production units, through static characterization and the establishment of strategies that allow the creation of a sustainability proposal, in the medium term, the study is focused on three components: social, ecological, productive - economic. Quimiag is a parish with 31 population settlements among: cooperatives, neighborhoods and communities of which 18 are Spanish-speaking and 13 are Kichwa-Spanish-speaking. The majority of the population is dedicated to work in agricultural activities, contributing 50% of the family nucleus between 1 to 8 members to the family economy, 96% of those responsible for the administration of the productive units have an educational level between 6 and 18 years, with the average age of 46 years being only 16% of older adults; 70.6% are male and 29.4% are female. 82% of the producers have a good quality soil of their agroecosystems, 18% have a regular soil due to the presence of hillsides, rocky soils also eroded. 33% of agro ecosystems did not present native plants, while 66.2% maintained endemic species, contributing to the protection of soil, pests and diseases by housing living organisms beneficial to agricultural production such as ladybugs (cucujoide beetle insect) that feed on harmful microorganisms known as pests. The strategies established for the strengthening of the production units were designed through the application of the logical framework approach developed through participatory workshops with the actors involved, which are reflected in the proposal generated in the present study. To ensure the sustainability of the process, key agreements were established with State institutions and Parish Board who will actively strengthen producers for the continuous improvement of the management of production systems.