| Tesis
Utilización de la malanga (Colocasia Esculenta Schott) como suplemento de la harina de trigo en repostería, en la Escuela de Gastronomía de la ESPOCH, periodo 2013 - 2014
2014-02-20Registro en:
Veloz Gaibor, Silvia Patricia. (2014). Utilización de la malanga (Colocasia Esculenta Schott) como suplemento de la harina de trigo en repostería, en la Escuela de Gastronomía de la ESPOCH, periodo 2013 - 2014. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Veloz Gaibor, Silvia Patricia
This study aimed to use the taro flour in baking preparations. Processed products were: cake, cookies, alfajores and cupcakes in which three different percentages of taro flour as base ingredient and 40%, 50% and 60% of taro and wheat flour was used. To determine product acceptance an acceptability test and sensory evaluation was performed, using five point hedonic scale and basic organoleptic characteristics of the product were: color, flavor and texture, which was conducted at the Polytechnic school of Chimborazo with students in fourth semester parallel “B” of Gastronomy School. The oftained results of investigation showed that all products were acceptable, but the product that had better received is the cake with a percentage of 40% taro flour, and its attractive color, pleasant smell, and taste delicious its soft texture. Laboratory analysis of products made from taro flour to determine its suitability for consumption were made, so the use of it is recommended in the manufacture of other products for cakes and cofectionery, for the nutritional benefits and has also include in the daily diet.