Artículos de revistas
Determinación de puntos de optimización a través de balance de exergía en la Planta de pasteurización de leche “Estación Experimental Tunshi (Riobamba –Ecuador)”.
Angamarca, Paola
Chuquin Vasco, Daniel Antonio
Palmay Paredes, Paul
The exergy determines the loss of real energy more accurately than a traditional energy balance; In addition, economic-energy management becomes an aspect of great relevance, which correlates technical and optimization criteria. The objetive of this study was to perform an exergy analysis of the milk pasteurization plant in the Tunshi Experimental Station, - Chimborazo for the determination of points of greater destruction of exergy in the main lines of pasteurization of the station which are standardization and pasteurization, steam generation and cold system. The data of each line of the process was collected during a month in normal operation and taking the equations of the complete system using the program engineer equation solver. The results indicated that the highest destruction rate of exergy in the pasteurization line was in the plate heat
exchanger (29.42 kJ s), due to temperature differences in the heat shock for pasteurization, in the steam generation line was in the boiler due to heat losses (5.14 kJ s-1) and in the cooling system line was given in the ice bank by rapid heat transfer (0.21 kJ s-1). According to the results of thepresent study, the parameters of performance and sustainability of the dairy processing plants can be better evaluated and improved; As suggested through the use of better thermal insulator oriented and optimizing heat exchangers.