Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación de un centro de acopio de cacao en la parroquia San Sebastián del Coca, cantón Joya de los Sachas, provincia de Orellana
2018-02-27Registro en:
Alvarado Chimbo, Ruth Sandra. (2018). Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación de un centro de acopio de cacao en la parroquia San Sebastián del Coca, cantón Joya de los Sachas, provincia de Orellana. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Orellana.
Alvarado Chimbo, Ruth Sandra
The Feasibility Project for the creation of a Cocoa Collection Center in San Sebastian del Coca Parish, Joya de los Sachas Canton of Orellana Province aims to create a collection center that benefits to cocoa producers. To determine the feasibility of the same, surveys were carried out to the producers of the area in order to obtain information related to the perception of the economic level. As result, it could be verified that the majority of respondents consider that the income received from the production and commercialization of cocoa has not provided them with a good quality of life. This is because of intermediaries, who pay less for the product, or for a low quality of production. For the verification of the project a market study was carried out where was possible to determine the feasibility of the project having as a result of the financial evaluation a current net value of 24.716,37 and an internal rate of return of 19.29% with a recovery of the investment in a year period of 4.8 months and 5 days with the Benefit Cost Ratio of $ 1.09, it means that for each dollar invested there will be a profit of S0.09 cents. It is recommended that the Junta Parroquial together with the cocoa producers of the territory, initiate the process of formation of the associative company to be reaching the benefits of the Popular and Solidarity Economy Law regarding training, financing and of course expansion and consolidation of the market.