Utilización del Almidón de Achira en la Elaboración de Repostería Ecuatoriana 2011
2012Registro en:
Morejón Terán, Karina Eugenia. (2012). Utilización del Almidón de Achira en la Elaboración de Repostería Ecuatoriana 2011. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Morejón Terán, Karina Eugenia
Research work with experimental design in the usage of Starch of Achira for the elaboration of six types of récipes in the Ecuadorian Confectionary; to determine organoleptic characteristics in preparations,, with acceptance and preference poll to a universe of 30 people. Desserts of tres leches with achira, organoleptic characteristics for its color, the 90% of acceptance, smell and flavor 90%, texture and general apperancr the 100%, hedonic tests 100% of preference. Muffin with achira for the color a 90%, smell and flavor a 60%, texture and general appearance 70% of acceptance; hedonic tests 100%. Quesadilla with achira, the smell, color, flavor, texture and general appearance 100%of acceptance; and 100% of preference. Ice-cream with achira 100% in color and smell, 70% of flavor, texture and general appearance; 100% preference. Cookies elaborated with achira 100% of preference; for its organoleptic characteristics 90%. It is advisable that the cookbook with starch of achira should be included in the Ecuadorian gastronomy for its benefits and advantages which present its fusions with new products in cakes and pastries.