Diseño de estrategias de servicio al cliente en el GAD Municipal de Huamboya, en la provincia de Morona Santiago.
2016Registro en:
Anank Wamputsrik, Awasat Griselda. (2016). Diseño de estrategias de servicio al cliente en el GAD Municipal de Huamboya, en la provincia de Morona Santiago. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Macas.
Anank Wamputsrik, Awasat Griselda
This research work is entitled Design of customers’ service strategies in the Hall of
Huamboya in the province of Morona Santiago which is product of deep analysis,
application of methods, techniques and instruments of research. Cause and effects of the main were evidenced after tabulation of the data obtained by the surveys applied to
customers who attend to the Hall of Huamboya, for example: deficient in customers’attention, other issues that show negativity on working efficiency made in the
área of secretary department. Direct observation method was used for the development of the proposal, besides, creation of a suggestion box is proposed, and the implementation of processes to give effective tools for staff which contribute to assertive communication as a mechanism of working development improving and training. This document will be very useful especially for the secretary department and will be a methodological tool for staff which includes for geting a good customers’ service level with quality and warmth. It is recommended to implement the action plans considering total satisfaction of external customers in order to improve efficiency in the activities done by the Hall of Huamboya, so unsatisfied customers will be reduced.