Plan de exportación de granola, al mercado de Perú-Tumbes de la empresa “NutriCe-reales”, de la ciudad de Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo
2014Registro en:
Torres Escalante, Mónica Elizabeth. (2014). Plan de exportación de granola, al mercado de Perú-Tumbes de la empresa “NutriCe-reales”, de la ciudad de Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Torres Escalante, Mónica Elizabeth
The thesis entitled “granola export Plan to Tumbes market in Peru of the Nutricereales Company “of Riobamba, Chimborazo Province. A proper research was carried out to pro-vide the topics on which the company should focus prior to the export, such as: production capacity, production process and information in the purchase oat which it is the main raw material, because that product is imported from Chile to Ecuador. To export the product it was consider the target market in Tumbes – Peru with a Market Research, resulting that the 87% of the sample study would be willing to purchase imported granola of Ecuador cost-ing 2.45 dollars and the import value by unit will be 2.12 dollars for sale. The export plan has been based on current trade agreements that exists with Peru and benefits in the time of exporting the granola .With the CAN (Andean Community of Nations) and LAIA (the Latin American Integration Association) 0% on tariffs, in the reciprocal credit agreement to secure payment of the goods to the exporter and the ease entry in terms of land transport .Prior to performing the export and the costs incurred, the export process and costs, it is important to remark that the CPT (Carriage Paid to) term trading used is optimal for break-ing into Peru fort the first time. In the financial analysis, the company has a net income of $ 25,084.51 USD in the Income Statement for the year 2013. With this, the Nutricereales Company can invest in machinery, labor and raw material for making a loan to grow inter-nationality and later to acquire quality certificates, which it will open doors in both local and international market. With this thesis it was offered the necessary knowledge to Nu-tricereales Company to internationalize the granola product in Tumbes-Peru.