| Tesis
Diseño de una red FTTx utilizando estándar G.984.x para proveer servicio Triple Play en la zona urbana del cantón Chambo.
2019-04Registro en:
Cruz Naula, Nataly Estefania. (2019). Diseño de una red FTTx utilizando estándar G.984.x para proveer servicio Triple Play en la zona urbana del cantón Chambo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Cruz Naula, Nataly Estefania
The objective of this research was to design an FTTx net using the G.984.X standard to provide
Triple Play service in the urban area of Chambo canton. First of all, it was studied and analyzed
the different architectures and topologies of the FTTx fiber optic net, to determine then the best
topologies and architecture design for the net infrastructure, besides an analysis of the different
simulation programs was also carried out to evaluate the most critical points of the net. By the
using of surveys that they was carried out to the population, it was determined the acceptation
percentages of the use of a passive optical ne with a gigabit capacity (GPON) in the urban area
of the Chambo canton to later elaborate the design of the feeding net (Feeder), Distribution net
and Dispersion net. Finally the respective tests were carried out to check the functioning of the
net, by means of theoretical calculations and their respective simulation in the OptiSystem 15.0
software, based on the critical points as in the analysis of the farthest user and the closet user,
considering parameters such as the budget of link, factor Q, minimum binary error rate (BER)
And through the eye diagram the main indicator that guarantees the quality of the fiber optic
link, which is satisfactory since the parameters stipulated in the ITU G.984 regulations are
fulfilled .x. It is concluded that the GPON net for the urban area of the Chambo canton is
scalable, viable and flexible since it has a bandwidth to provide voice, video and data service. It
is recommended that the GPON net be implemented, due to its high bandwidth, low investment
and that the equipment of the same brand is used.