Propuesta para el mejoramiento del servicio de interpretación del patrimonio del “Museo de la ciudad de Guano”, cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo.
2020-03-02Registro en:
Arias Rodríguez, Claudia Raquel. (2020). Propuesta para el mejoramiento del servicio de interpretación del patrimonio del “Museo de la ciudad de Guano”, cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Arias Rodríguez, Claudia Raquel
The present investigation aims: to make a proposal that improves the service of interpretation of the heritage of the Museum of the city of Guano, in the Guano canton, province of Chimborazo; for this, an analysis of the current situation of the museum was carried out, where a general description of the museum was made, analyzing the legal and administrative status of the museum, the museum's sample was analyzed for which an inventory of the objects was made and the interpretive index of the resources, obtaining an IPI average of 0.69, which indicates that the resources have adequate features to be interpreted. In addition, an evaluation of the interpretive means of the museum was made, determining that they are not suitable for the interpretation, an analysis of the problem was also made that there is in the museum proposing four programs to solve and improve the conditions of the museum. In addition an analysis of the profile of the audience of the museum where 378 surveys were applied to national and foreign tourists thus determining their tastes and preferences when touring the museum. Finally, the interpretive strategy was formulated for this purpose, a selection of contents was made where the main themes that will be exhibited in the museum were determined, the interpretive media that will be used for interpreting were identified and from there 8 interpretive media were designed which will be distributed in the five rooms of the museum, for the implementation of the interpretive media a budget of 14,570.00 is required however, since the municipal GAD of Guano does not have that budget, economic resources would have to be managed through agreements with the institutions involved with the museum.