Diseño y construcción de un prototipo de sistema de suspensión magnética aplicado a un vehículo a escala para la carrera de Ingeniería Automotriz de la ESPOCH.
2019-12-17Registro en:
Ramos Ocaña, Robin Leonardo. (2019). Diseño y construcción de un prototipo de sistema de suspensión magnética aplicado a un vehículo a escala para la carrera de Ingeniería Automotriz de la ESPOCH. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Ramos Ocaña, Robin Leonardo
The objective of this technological proposal was to build a prototype of a schematic magnetic suspension system, which was designed from the mathematical model developed, based on the theoretical principles of electromagnetism applying in its components, where the feasibility of the project was tested for future research and a prototype for the advancement of technological suspensions in the automotive field. Research was carried out on different suspension systems within magnetism, where dry friction suspension or magnetic levitation was selected by null research in Ecuador. To form the mathematical model, several concepts of the theory of electromagnetism and vehicle suspensions were applied, to develop the appropriate equations and apply them in the process of forming the control scheme and the equations that govern its behavior. After several tests and simulations in Simulink, the mathematical model and scheme suitable for further construction was formed. Materials for machining, electronic modules, actuators, among other elements were selected, from which the parts were formed and the schematic prototype was assembled. Proper functioning test of the mechanical and electronic elements was performed. We proceeded to obtain data on the behavior of the suspension system with infrared distance and ultrasound distance sensors, in several differentiated tests and compared the behavior of magnetic suspension with a conventional suspension. It was concluded that the prototype is inefficient, but the application of magnetic phenomena to dampen vibrations is very viable. It is recommended to make other prototypes and mathematical models based on linear or rotary magnetic actuators and more efficient control systems.