Evaluación de la técnica de electrorremediación para la recuperación de suelos contaminados con metales pesados (Cd, Ni, Pb).
2018-04Registro en:
Alcivar Pérez , Eder Esleyther. (2018). Evaluación de la técnica de electrorremediación para la recuperación de suelos contaminados con metales pesados (Cd, Ni, Pb). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Alcivar Pérez, Eder Esleyther
The evaluation of the electroremediation technique for the recovery of soils contaminated with heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Ni,) was carried out, for which an electroremediation cell was used, where the cell potentials, the distances between electrodes and the most optimal type of electrolyte for the restoration of soil contaminated with heavy metals. The methodology consisted of using samples obtained in areas contaminated with heavy metals from the Taracoa parish to carry out the electroremediation process with different experimental conditions: distance between electrodes of 5cm, 10cm, 15cm, electroremediation time 8 hours, 24 hours and type of electrolyte : acetic acid, phosphoric acid. When the sample is located in the electroremediation cell, the terminals (anode and cathode) are connected in each electrode, the positive in the graphite and the negative in the iron. The source is turned on with a voltage of 40V, which was the voltage used for this investigation, this voltage is considered by previous investigations. The electrodes (graphite and iron) should be washed every 4 hours after the electroremediation treatment for 20 seconds, the experimental factorial design and Anova of one factor were used, 12 experiments with two repetitions were carried out. To express the results, their influence on the final concentration of these metals in the samples of remediated soils was determined. It was verified that for the experimental conditions used, the treatment with the lowest concentration after applying the electroremediation technique is the T12 treatment (15 cm, 24 hours and phosphoric acid) for the lead, they present an efficiency of 99.9% for the mobilization of heavy metals. , but it should be emphasized that the distance is the one that influences the decrease in the residual concentration of lead in the samples since it is inversely proportional to a greater distance lower concentration of lead in the contaminated samples. It is important to continue taking into account other versatility factors such as: types of electrolytes, electroremediation times, variation of voltages, wetting times and distance between electrodes for future investigations.