Inventario de los atractivos turísticos – gastronómicos del cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo, 2012
2013-05-28Registro en:
López Zúñiga, Andrés Francisco. (2013). Inventario de los atractivos turísticos – gastronómicos del cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo, 2012. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
López Zúñiga, Andrés Francisco
To fulfill with the aims of the present investigation, it has been established a descriptive and structured way, the theoretical fundations in wich the study is based, related with gastronomy and tourism. Guano has not visited touristic attractions, in this reserch was elaborated a way of information which let it knows and give a wide variety of related activities with gastronomy, seeking to form a Culinary Heritage in Guano, being a Project to satisfy the clients´s needs. All of this thought a guide which promotes the gastronomy tourism of the Canton, it has, dishes, products, markets, restaurants, important hostels, contributing to strengthen the cultural identity and readers can have an alternative of nutrition. The touristic area is one of the new mines which any región should have and with the gastronomy capital we look for the traditional cousine, as a quality symbol, being an import part when people travel, the discovery and enjoyment of gastronomy of each place closing to the landscape, places and population