Los microcréditos rurales y su incidencia en la cartera vencida de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito “Rey David Ltda”. ciudad de Ambato, año 2015
2016-07-07Registro en:
Toalombo Toalombo, Kleber Rolando. (2016). Los microcréditos rurales y su incidencia en la cartera vencida de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito “Rey David Ltda”. ciudad de Ambato, año 2015. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Ambato.
Toalombo Toalombo, Kleber Rolando
This research is intended to analyze the rural microcredits and their incidence on the past-due loan portfolio at The Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito “Rey David Ltda” from Ambato city during the year 2015, the research problem was explored through the exploratory research. The research techniques and tools applied for the data collecting in this study were the structured survey and interview which reveal weakness in this banking entity head managers making decisions that is in regarding the rural credit approval procedures since they are not fulfilling with the legal requirements stated by the norms of the credit regulation manual for loan approval, thus, the study results led to determine the necessity to have a loan monitoring-management system to prevent non-performing loans and past-due loan portfolio. Therefore, it is advisable for The Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito “Rey David Ltda” to make the necessary correctives to solve the problem around past-due loan portfolio, starting by elaborating of the loan monitoring-management system as well as promoting the regular training in the loan monitoring-management system and the assessment of the past-due loan portfolio recovery.