Evaluación del proyecto agroproductivo implementado para mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias de la parroquia Chiquicha, cantón Pelileo, provincia de Tungurahua.
2021-05-20Registro en:
Hoyos Galarza, Diego Paúl. (2021).Evaluación del proyecto agroproductivo implementado para mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias de la parroquia Chiquicha, cantón Pelileo, provincia de Tungurahua. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Hoyos Galarza, Diego Paúl
The objective of the study was to carry out an Ex-post evaluation of the agro productive project denominated Diversification of Production, Making an Efficient Use of Irrigation Water, to Improve Family Income and the Quality of Life for the Families of the Chiquicha Parish, the one that it was implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Aquaculture and Fisheries, through the Rural Good Living Program in the Pelileo canton, of the province of Tungurahua, in the years 2014 -2015 to determine the impact of it on the participants. The ex-post evaluation was focused on the verification of the compliance of the goals and the objectives of the agro productive project, associated with the proposed indicators. Besides, the economic impact, effectiveness, and efficiency, of the degree of satisfaction on the participants. To evaluate the economic impacts of the agro productive project, The ex-post evaluation methodology proposed by Fernández in 2008 was used, by doing a simple comparison between the expected results in the project and the results obtained in the execution, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, it was evaluated through the collection of information of the project (baseline), verification of information in the field, a contrast of information from the Matrix of the Logical Framework, the evaluation and presentation of results, and regarding the degree of satisfaction an interview was conducted. As a result at an economic level, there was a higher average income in $220, over the estimated value in the baseline ($ 260), in terms of effectiveness was 84.8%, and the efficiency of 79.68%, in terms of goals it reached 87.5%, evaluating the indicators in the Matrix of the Logical Framework, at the level of all the components, it reached 75% efficiency. Regarding the degree of satisfaction, it was found that 100% were very satisfied with the executed project reaching the highest level within the survey.