Diseño de un proceso industrial para la obtención de balanceado para caninos adultos de raza grande en la Empresa Avipaz de la ciudad de Ambato.
2018-12Registro en:
Freire Carvajal, Daniela Carolina. (2018). Diseño de un proceso industrial para la obtención de balanceado para caninos adultos de raza grande en la Empresa Avipaz de la ciudad de Ambato. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Freire Carvajal, Daniela Carolina
The following investigation`s objective was to design an industrial process for the obtaining of balanced for adults canines of big race for the company Avipaz of the city of Ambato. It was carried out through of formulations and experimental test carried out in the Industrial Processes laboratory of ESPOCH. Once the design variables for the process were obtained, the corresponding engineering calculations were made for the industrial-scale equipment that would be part of the balanced production line for large breed dogs, taking into account conditions predisposed as a designated raw material for said balanced for the side of the company. The validation of the designed process and therefore of the product was based on the Standard NTE INEN 187. FOOD FOR ANIMALS OF COMPANY. The same that specifies in its content the physical-chemical and microbiological parameters that the product must meet to be certified as quality. As a conclusion, the design for obtaining balancing for canines will consist of tha following processing stages: Reception and selection of the raw material, sifting, dosing, mixing, pelletizing, shaping, packaging and storage. The balance obtained by laboratory experimentation was carried out in a laboratory duly accredited which is located in Ambato city (Laboratorio de control y Análisis de Alimentos de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato), the results were optimal since they comply with same rules, In addition, it is recommended to carry out a manual for handling of raw materials, equipment, and supplies, which contains adequate information for its use and applications.