Implementación de un plan de gestión en protección radiológica para el área de intervencionismo del Hospital General Ambato del IESS.
2018-06Registro en:
Sánchez Villegas, Estiven Alexander. (2018). Implementación de un plan de gestión en protección radiológica para el área de intervencionismo del Hospital General Ambato del IESS. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Sánchez Villegas, Estiven Alexander
This current work aims to improve, from the viewpoint of view of Radiological Protection, the situation of the Intervention Unit of the Hospital General Ambato of IESS, through the implementation of a Radiological Protection Management Plan, designed based on the needs of the area, to national and international norms and regulations and distributed in a set of guides. The Management Plan was implemented through training to the personnel involved and emergency drills. Besides, a calculation report was made to verify whether the facilities designated for this service comply whit the measures established by the National Control Agency. For the calculation of shielding, the classification of the zones, the dose limit of the occupationally exposed personnel and the characteristics of the Arc in C Medison X ray were taken into account, for which reason the shielding calculation is specific for the operation of this equipment. Through the implementation of this Management Plan, compliance was achieved with the norms, actions, responsibilities and procedures required to protect the personnel occupationally from the ionizing radiations produced in the Intervention Area of the Hospital General Ambato of IESS. Furthermore, it is recommended to carry out periodic training for the hospital staff.