Elaboración de una crema celulolítica con distintas concentraciones de extractos hidroalcohólicos de Ñachag (Bidens andicola), Alcachofa (Cynara cardunculus L.), Café (Coffea arabica) y Romero (Rosmarinus officinalis).
2019-01Registro en:
Urgiles Núñez, Katherine Andrea. (2019). Elaboración de una crema celulolítica con distintas concentraciones de extractos hidroalcohólicos de Ñachag (Bidens andicola), Alcachofa (Cynara cardunculus L.), Café (Coffea arabica) y Romero (Rosmarinus officinalis). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Urgiles Núñez, Katherine Andrea
The objective of the experimental work was to create a cellulolytic cream with different concentrations of extracts of Hydro-alcoholic of Ñachag (Bidens andicola), Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L.), Coffee (Coffea Arabica), and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). It collected the vegetal material; it was pressed and crushed for its quality analysis, which confirmed that the percentage of humidity, total ashes, soluble in water and insoluble in acid meet the requirements established in the Real Spanish Pharmacopeia in the demonstrated Phytochemical screening demonstrated the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, phenols, tannins and sugars. The hydro-alcoholic extract of coffee (15. 2%) artichoke (9.5%) rosemary (7.6%) and ñachag (5.7%) was obtained by maceration with a hydro-alcoholic solution at 38%, then three formulations were designed of oil cream in water. These formulations are adjusted to an organoleptic quality control (appearance, color, odor, oiliness, absorption) and physical chemistry (homogeneity, extensibility, unctuosity and pH), which reflected in the quality of the three creams. Subsequently they were subjected to a stability study for twelve days at different temperatures. At the end, the formulation 1 was selected for its physical and chemical characteristics. In addition a microbiological analysis was done which confirmed the absence of micro-organisms in the product. Finally, a score of zero was obtained in the determination of its degree of corrosion / irritation (Draize test- skin irritation), that is, it was not corrosive / irritant. In conclusion, theoretically, the cream has cellulolytic activity due to the different concentrations of the vegetable species; moreover, it can use on the skin because It meets the physical, chemical and microbiological quality requirements. The treatment of the cream in the women volunteers with cellulitis at an early age is recommended.