La asistencia gerencial y su incidencia en la gestión administrativa, en el Distrito de Educación 14D02 Huamboya, Pablo Sexto, Palora, durante el año 2016
2017-11-17Registro en:
Wajuyata Sanchima, Lomber Aquiles. (2017). La asistencia gerencial y su incidencia en la gestión administrativa, en el Distrito de Educación 14D02 Huamboya, Pablo Sexto, Palora, durante el año 2016. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Ambato.
Wajuyata Sanchima, Lomber Aquiles
The present research about the incidence of management assistance in administrative management, in the Education District 14d02 Huamboya, Pablo Sexto, Palora, period 2016; aims to analyze and improve the relationship between managerial assistance and administrative management. The research was carried out through the observing several departments of the institution. In addition, the information was collected through a survey applied to the personnel administrative of the District of Education in which we could determine the managerial assistance does affect administrative management; with the research we could identify the following: shortcomings in administrative management, because leadership isn´t effective, as like as teamwork, there is also the lack of involvement of personnel in decision making and the lack of fluency in the handling of information. It is recommended to apply techniques and strategies to maximize and improve the teamwork, in order to make consensual and sustainable decisions for an efficient work by personal and provide a quality service that rescues and highlights the good image of the institution.