Evaluación administrativa – financiera al Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Parroquial Rural Ávila Huiruno, cantón Loreto, provincia de Orellana, periodos 2016 y 2017
2019-01-24Registro en:
Quezada Jumbo, Verónica Liliana. (2019). Evaluación administrativa – financiera al Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Parroquial Rural Ávila Huiruno, cantón Loreto, provincia de Orellana, periodos 2016 y 2017. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Orellana.
Quezada Jumbo, Verónica Liliana
This work called "administrative evaluation - financial to the Rural parish decentralized self-government Avila Huiruno, Canton Loreto, province of Orellana, periods 2016 and 2017", executed in accordance with the institutional objectives raised, whereas the assessment procedures with the rules issued by the Ministry of economy and finance with the purpose of measuring the efficiency and effectiveness with which resources have been used. Applied research of field surveys and interviews for a budget diagnosis and determine the current status of the institution. Financial evaluation executed through a horizontal and vertical analysis of the budget and the financial statements, as also used financial ratios to meet the financial and administrative reality of the institution. Performed study and diagnostic allowing to assess budgetary compliance, levels of works planned and carried out from the administrative and financial point of view reached during 2016 and 2017. Recommended periodic evaluations to justify the activities carried out during the period and use the data as a basis for the measurement of the performance of government officials of the autonomous decentralized parish Rural Avila Huiruno.