Caracterización socio-económica y tecnológica de los productores de maíz en condiciones de secano, parroquia San José de Chazo, cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo.
2018Registro en:
Andino Balcázar, Verónica Elizabeth. (2018). Caracterización socio-económica y tecnológica de los productores de maíz en condiciones de secano, parroquia San José de Chazo, cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Andino Balcázar, Verónica Elizabeth
The present investigation proposes: to characterize the socioeconomic and technological conditions of corn producers under rainfed conditions in the San José de Chazo parish, Guano canton, Chimborazo province; Exploratory field work and descriptive type. The information collection techniques used were-. Interview, survey and observation. The social, economic and technological conditions were interpreted through descriptive statistics. The economy of maize producing families based on the applied technology was evaluated through a multivariate analysis. It was obtained that the age groups that predominate in maize activity are between 36 and over 60 years. The main force in the production of corn is male. The vast majority of producers only have primary education. The most common basic services are: electric power, access to roads, access to piped water and public lighting service. Most corn producers have their own homes and land. Corn is considered "very important" and "important" in the generation of economic income. The monthly economic income is between $ 200 to $ 500 dollars. These producers use their own resources to finance their crops. 75% of the corn production is destined for sale and 25% for self-consumption and own seed. The sale of corn is made mostly in corn. The intermediaries acquire corn and seed production directly from the producers. The management of nutrition is the variable that has the greatest incidence on the monthly economic income of the producing families. The cost benefit ratio was 1.24. Therefore, the production of corn is a profitable activity in the San José de Chazo parish.