Desarrollo de un sistema de recaudación y facturación del agua potable para la junta parroquial de Licán, aplicando test driven development.
2018-08Registro en:
Toapanta Toasa, Victoria Elizabeth. (2018). Desarrollo de un sistema de recaudación y facturación del agua potable para la junta parroquial de Licán, aplicando test driven development. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Toapanta Toasa, Victoria Elizabeth
In the present work of degree is developed a system of collection and billing of drinking water in the Vestry of Lican by applying Test Driven Development (TDD), for the development of this system used the Windows 10 operating system, database server PostgreSQL 9.3, the JUnit framework, the framework 4.0, Primefaces JPA and technology for the deployment of the system the Glassfish Application Server 4.1, in addition, we used data collection techniques such as interview, observation, also applied the software development methodology SCRUM, by which allowed with that plan delivery of the requirements according to a priority, being that this priority is the obtained from the estimation method T-Shirt and the times established by the client. The system has a control of users the same that has three roles: Administrator, secretariat and tax collector. To evaluate the reduction of errors are used tables of evaluation according to the percentages of errors that have been obtained and the results obtained by error in the scenario 2 are: Error in the personal data with a 8.62%, Miscalculation in the fare with a 0%, to deliver the proof of payment to the wrong person with a 6.89%, Surcharge of services not used with a 5.17% and issue the invoice with erroneous dates with a 12.06%. Thus, on a general level it can be said that the system is functional to a 93,452%, it is recommended to use the TDD practice throughout the system as this allows you to obtain a quality product and in this way allows you to implement the features just that the customer needs and not more.