Elaboración de un plan de manejo de visitantes para el Complejo Lacustre Ozogoche, Parque Nacional Sangay zona alta, parroquia Achupallas, cantón Alausi, provincia de Chimborazo.
2019Registro en:
Tierra Amaguaya, L. I. (2019). Elaboración de un plan de manejo de visitantes para el Complejo Lacustre Ozogoche, Parque Nacional Sangay zona alta, parroquia Achupallas, cantón Alausi, provincia de Chimborazo. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero en Ecoturismo). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Tierra Amaguaya, Linda Isabel
The present investigation proposes: Prepare a visitor management plan for the Ozogoche Lake Complex belonging to the Sangay National Park uptown, Achupallas Parish, Alausí Canton, Chimborazo Province; The sector owns the natural rights that are taken into account. important the same as sharing a hierarchy II. Through the use of the identification of management data based on the characteristics and outstanding resources of the area. 90% of the upper area of the PNS is made up of a parameter, in addition to this protected area it has four management zones, one of which is a tourist and recreational use management area, where the natural sites of current and professional visits are located. Three specific programs are built: a) Administration and Planning, b) Control and Surveillance and c) Public Use and Tourism, which requires $ 53,823 US Dollars for its execution. A system that will be financed with the support of the agencies. In conclusion, the Visitors Management Plan will contribute to strengthen and manage natural resources in a correct manner.