Diseño y construcción de un remolque móvil con circuitos neumáticos para el transporte de un peso máximo de dos toneladas.
2017-11-30Registro en:
Paredes Andino, Santiago David. (2018). Diseño y construcción de un remolque móvil con circuitos neumáticos para el transporte de un peso máximo de dos toneladas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Paredes Andino, Santiago David
The main objective of the presented project is to design and build a mobile trailer with pneumatic circuits for the transport of a maximum weight of two tons. It should be noted that this is an innovative system in the country, since it is the first with this ability to raise and lower its platform at ground level, providing transport services with greater security. The design of the mechanism was carried out with the CAD program called Solid Works 2016 in which they were assigned the measures allowed by the regulation of the current traffic law in the country. The structural strength of the trailer was verified through the use of the CAE SAP2000 program, in which we obtained in a graphic and numerical way the stresses and deformations present in the metallic structure, which will not affect the daily functioning of the trailer. When obtaining the design, the next step is the construction of the trailer, in which safety standards have been stipulated, for the construction of each of the parts that make up the aforementioned project. Additionally, the respective field tests have been carried out, which allowed to determine its operation. It should be noted that the tests were performed with the maximum weight that was established for the structure that was two tons, in this way it is ensured that the structure provides all the necessary security for the transport of vehicles.