Comportamiento productivo de pollitas de la línea lohmann brown en la fase de cría (1-8 semanas) alimentadas con diferentes niveles de proteína de origen animal.
2019-02-06Registro en:
Poma Velasco, Rene Daniel, (2019). Comportamiento productivo de pollitas de la línea lohmann brown en la fase de cría (1-8 semanas) alimentadas con diferentes niveles de proteína de origen animal. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Poma Velasco, Rene Daniel.
The productive behavior of chicks of the Lohmann Brown line in the breeding phase (1-8 weeks) fed with different protein levels of animal origin was evaluated, the chemical composition of the experimental diets was determined with 2, 4 and 6 % of Proteika and the cost of each treatment was analyzed; with an experimental methodology in the Academic and Poultry Research Unit, of the Animal Science Faculty, of the Escuela Superior Politécnica of Chimborazo, under a completely raised design for which three treatments were used and a control treatment with four repetitions, formed each experimental unit for 26 chicks, giving a total of 416 birds under study, with a duration of 56 days. Significant differences were registered between the treatments (P<0,05) for the productive parameters, having the best results the pullets fed with diets of 6 % inclusion of Proteika (T3), as final weight 713,20 ± of 9,41 g, weight gain 569,53 ± of 9,33 g, food intake 1399,34 ± 17,88 g, protein intake/day 7,33 ± 0,09 g, metabolizable energy consumption/day 0,11 ± 1,39 Mcal, and the best feed conversion 2,46; on the contrary the best cost benefit ratio reported the control treatment (T0) with USD 1,176 and a profitability of 17,6 %. It is concluded that in terms of productive variables, the best treatment was T3 with 6 % inclusion of Proteika. It is recommended the inclusion of Proteika to the poultry sector and evauate higher levels, since it is possible to significantly raise the productive parameters obtaining a better morphophysiological development of the birds.