Diseño de un prototipo de sistema de parqueo inteligente para el edificio de la FIE utilizando tecnologías basado en el Internet de las Cosas.
2018-11Registro en:
Saltos Taipe , Estalin Javier. (2018). Diseño de un prototipo de sistema de parqueo inteligente para el edificio de la FIE utilizando tecnologías basado en el Internet de las Cosas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Saltos Taipe, Estalin Javier
The aim of the degree work was to design a prototype of Smart Car Parking System for the building
of the Faculty of Informatics and Electronics (FIE) of Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo
(ESPOCH) using technologies based on the internet of things. The prototype of the system consists
of a wireless network that uses the Arduino and Nodemcu development cards. It is formed by two
nodes: the sensor and data collector, which monitor in real time the status of parking spaces in the
FIE parking lot. Ultrasonic sensors were used in the prototype to detect the presence of vehicles,
which will send ultrasonic wave signals to the Arduino located in the sensor node. The data is sent to
the collector node through bluetooth technology using the master-slave topology. The information is
transmitted to the server K2S01 (FL-US) digitally through Wi-Fi wireless communication, where the
data are graphically displayed in real time about the availability of parking lots, allowing users to
reserve a parking space for an estimated time in the web application. Of the tests carried out it was
evidenced that the implemented system admits an absolute error of +/- 1 cm in the distance
measurements and the data repeatability not greater than 1%, in addition the interconnection with the
IoT Platform does not present packet loss. Of the tests carried out one may conclude that the prototype
implemented can become in a support tool to improve the traffic flow and time of teachers and
students of the FIE. It is recommended to incorporate a vehicular access control module to identify
the users that previously made use of the reservation of a parking space through the web application
of the system.