Determinación de la firma espectral del estrato herbazal - arbustal del páramo en la subcuenca del Río Chambo, provincia de Chimborazo
2018Registro en:
Córdova Regalado, M. D. (2018). Determinación de la firma espectral del estrato herbazal - arbustal del páramo en la subcuenca del Río Chambo, provincia de Chimborazo. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero Forestal). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Córdova Regalado, Marlón David
The present investigation proposes: to determinate the spectral signature of the stratum herbazal arbustal of the paramo in the sub-basin of the river chambo, province of Chimborazo; using a new methodology for obtaining the electromagnetic spectrum of a complete stratum where said stratum was separated into 4 localities and divided into two heights corresponding to the altitudinal ranges of 3600msnm – 4100msnm and 4100msnm - 4600msnm, in each of these localities and ranges 3 transects were established for each height and each locality where the spectral signatures were obtained in 5 points within the transect as a zigzag and the floristic inventory of the stratum herbazal and the stratum arbustal, with the help of satellite images landsat 7 the NDVIof the stratum was obtained that was used for the classification of the presence of vegetation in the stratum and to compare the NDVI of the spectral signatures with the NDVI of the satellite image. Once the spectral signatures were obtained, they were corrected and a general average was obtained. Represents the correspondig spectral signature for the herbaceous - arbustal stratum of the paramo, it has a reflectance level of 60.05% at 1100nm of the electromagnetic spectrum, wich is where the firm reaches its highest peak, and a general average was obtained of the spectral signature for the altitudinal range of 3600msnm – 4100msnm and a general average of the spectral signature for the range 4100msnm – 4600msnm wich ere compared to determine that there is a variation in the reflectance levels of 0.4% for each 500m of height when making the capture of the spaectral signatures.