| Tesis
Diseño de enlaces troncales de transmisión para la optimización de tráfico y migración tecnológica en nodos prestadores de servicios fijos.
2019-03Registro en:
Aucancela Ilbay, Luis Alberto. (2019). Diseño de enlaces troncales de transmisión para la optimización de tráfico y migración tecnológica en nodos prestadores de servicios fijos. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Aucancela Ilbay, Luis Alberto
The objective of this research project was the design of transmission trunk links for traffic optimization and technological migration in fixed service nodes. To this end, it was carried out in the site of transmission and core infrastructure survey was 58 fixed service providers, with the use of SPIA and CACTI network managers as research instruments, traffic analysis was performed on 62 DSLAM equipment and 31 Layer 2 MPLS equipment considering traffic generated during peak hours with a 7-day history and the operator's own guidelines for rating saturated transmission links. Once the 11 saturated DSLAM and MPLS layer 2 teams were found, optimization was applied to their respective transmission links, where as a result of the reengineering practiced on 7 of the 11 saturated links, optimal technical parameters were obtained as a 100% success rate and a latency of 3.37 ms. To solve the saturation found in the links where it was not possible to practice optimization, the design of fiber optic trunk links with STM-16 capacity was made using the Optisystem simulation software and following the recommendations International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in reference To optical interfaces for equipment and systems related to the synchronous digital hierarchy, a microwave link with STM-1 capacity is also designed using the Pathloss simulation software, which adopts recommendation ITU-R P.530-17 with regard to propagation data and prediction methods necessary for the design of terrestrial systems with direct visibility. The results obtained in the simulation of fiber optic links reflect ideal BER and Q factor parameters that served for the demonstration of the hypothesis and the fulfillment of objectives within the project.