Valoración económica ambiental del servicio de belleza escénica del Bosque Kasama del cantón Santo Domingo.
2018-03Registro en:
Nevárez Pérez, Diego Javier. (2018). Valoración económica ambiental del servicio de belleza escénica del Bosque Kasama del cantón Santo Domingo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Nevárez Pérez, Diego Javier
The objective was to estimate the environmental economic value of the scenic beauty
service of the Kasama forest of the Santo Domingo Canton. The Kasama forest is an area
of natural origin administered by the Provincial Autonomous Decentralized Government
of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, It is located in the urban area of the provincial capital
of the same name.For the fulfillment of the objective began with the description of the
physical, biological and socioeconomic characteristics present in the environment, then
the quota assessment methodology was applied, To estimate the economic value directly,
through a survey applied to a population sample of 384 people, the data obtained in the
statistical program SPSS 23 was later analyzed, and with them an econometric model was
obtained. The contingent valuation methodology should be implemented in the study,
using binary logistic regression in the dichotomous SI or NO response format, which
determines that the variables sex, income and knowledge of the scenic beauty service,
allow to establish the probability of disposition to pay (PDP) at 66.81%, demonstrating
that there is an interest in the care and maintenance of natural areas by the population.
The implementation of the proposal, would maintain the area through the funds collected,
with the correct implementation and management of a management plan for the biotic
and abiotic characteristics of Kasama.