Plan de marketing turístico para posicionar el cantón Mocha, provincia de Tungurahua
2021-06-25Registro en:
Jarrín Tustón, Tatiana Lissette. (2021). Plan de marketing turístico para posicionar el cantón Mocha, provincia de Tungurahua. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Jarrín Tustón, Tatiana Lissette
The present study was aimed to position Mocha canton, located in the province of Tungurahua to promote its local development through the creation of a tourist marketing plan. The development of this study was carried out through the theoretical foundation where the elaboration of a plan allowed us to analyze the current situation of Mocha. Through this study, some strategies were designed to help to communicate tourists about the places and activities that can be carried out around the area. Consequently, a field investigation was carried out in which results were obtained from the situation of the canton, which research techniques were used to acquire information about the place of study which showed information that was analyzed and interpreted where the majority of people mentioned that the communication about tourism in the area is deficient along with a lack of tourist activities. As a result, it was proposed to design marketing strategies to position and socialize the attractions that Mocha Canton has to offer through the use of digital media, knowing that nowadays social networks contitute a fundamental part of communication of the entire population. The Director of the Tourism Department at the Municipal Government from Mocha (GAD) is recommended to focus on the use of social media to spread the tourist offer of the canton.