Elaboración de un proyecto de factibilidad para la implementación de la cafetería Coffe Moment en el cantón Mocha, provincia de Tungurahua, año 2022
2022-05-31Registro en:
Aguirre Freire, Thalía Mishell. (2022). Elaboración de un proyecto de factibilidad para la implementación de la cafetería Coffe Moment en el cantón Mocha, provincia de Tungurahua, año 2022. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Aguirre Freire, Thalía Mishell
This research aimed to carry out a feasibility proposal for the implementation of the Coffe Moment cafeteria in the Mocha canton, Province of Tungurahua. With a mixed research approach, qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed, which were collected through the instruments applied, such as the survey and observation. This research made it possible to fulfil the objectives set out in the different studies carried out: market study where it was possible to determine the demand, supply, unsatisfied demand, and acceptance that the project would have. Technical study where the size, location, engineering, personnel requirements, necessary equipment, and design of the project plant were analyzed. The legal and environmental administrative study, which determined the organizational aspects that the cafeteria should have for a quality operation as well as all the requirements and permits it should have to serve its clientele, on the other hand, the application of the 3Rs was considered to reduce the pollution that it could cause with the waste generated by the transformation of its products. In the financial study, the initial investment in the cafeteria will have been determined